Celebrating its 20th anniversary, the Benchmark Fund of the Year Awards pushes the envelope to reach new heights in driving best practices and sustainability with its methodology that recognizes a fund strategy performing outstandingly in investment performance, risk management, and ESG performance.

Submission Activities: | Hong Kong & Singapore | Taiwan |
Entry Open: | September 13, 2023 | Click Here |
Early Bird Close: | October 4, 2023 | |
Entry Close: | October 11, 2023 | |
Submission Period: | September 27 - October 27, 2023 | |
Judging Period | October 20 - November 10, 2023 | |
The Gatekeeper Forum: | November 7 - November 9, 2023 | |
Results Announcement: | November 28, 2023 | |
Awards Ceremony: | August 28, 2024 |
Flat Fee Per Entry | |
Early Bird Offer | 10% Off |
Multi-entry Discount For 4th entry or above | 5% Off |
Multi-Country Discount For Every Multi-Country Entry | 5% Off |
Complimentary with Each Entry (House awards entries only) | See Sample |
The Gatekeeper Forum is a sub-set of the judging process with three to five jurors holding a two-way conversation with the manager of a contesting strategy. The forum allows the shortlisted contestants’ CIO or Portfolio Manager to showcase how they're running a profitable strategy and respond to technical questions raised by the gatekeepers. The Forum is a highly curated platform that connects both the buy and sell side of funds and empowers gatekeepers from Private Banks, Institutions, Foundations, and Single and Multi-Family Offices to look under the hood before they invest. Another purpose of the Gatekeeper Forum is to promote investment clarity and transparency. The interaction between senior fund house representatives and our jurors can reveal the underlying idea generation and philosophy of the contesting strategies from multiple perspectives, particularly from a qualitative and ESG perspective. Judges will be presented with independent financial and sustainability performances provided by Morningstar and BlueOnion together with narratives of the challenges provided by the shortlisted candidates. Only invited jurors can select the sessions they are interested in. The forum was held virtually last year, with managers and jurors joining from all over the world and this year the forum will be conducted in a hybrid format.
Our honorable Jurors for 2022
Jurors for 2023 will be revealed after closing

Adeline Tan FIA

Agnes K Y Tai

Alan Chan

Alexandra Tracy

Angus Choi

Anthony Cheung

Belinda Hsieh

Belle Liang

Catherine Chen

Claire Chen

Clement Lai

Elsa Pau

Francesco Stadler

Joanne Murphy

Jonathan Wan

Kenny Chong

Kent Chen

Larry Cao, CFA

Leo Lee

Leo Pui

Martin Chen

Martin W. Hennecke

Nicholas Leung

Nick Pollard

Pamela Mar

Paul Smith, CFA

Richard Harris

Sammy Koo

Serena Mak

Simon Liu

Stephan Repkow

Zita Chung

黃慶堂 Ph.D. Finance


